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Alright, DL pretty much covered this but, I still don't see why you have [i]internal[/i], [i]external[/i], and [i]inline[/i] styles all in one page. That's really unnecessary. Personally, I keep everything in an external stylesheet, so it doesn't muck up my HTML, and it makes large sites easier to manage. #1 Rule of Pixel Fonts: [b]Don't[/b] anti-alias them. Pixel fonts aren't meant to be anti-aliased. At such small sizes, letters get blurry, and therefore unreadable. I don't advocate the use of pixel fonts at all, but if you're going to use them, at least use them right. Layout: I can't understand the content, but the layout is kinda uneven. Parts of it are just floating off somewhere on the page, and not really anchored anywhere. I don't really know where you're going with the blurry graphics... I guess it gives the page a sort of dreamy feel. This is personal preference, but I like graphics sharp and slick-looking, especially when it comes to logos, as that's your main identity. Colors: Add something other than blue. Monochromatic schemes look cool, but imbalanced. Again, get a [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/460][b]>doctype<[/b][/url], get some [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/1038][b]>encoding<[/b][/url], clean up the code a little, make links open in the same window. Nice page, but these are just some things you might wanna fix. [img]http://ozphactor.home.comcast.net/asylum/sig001.gif[/img] [This message has been edited by ozphactor (edited 08-02-2003).]
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