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I need input [again]. I have re-designed my site [again]
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Much better than the previous one! First thing I noticed was the splash page. It serves no purpose and it only makes me click the mouse one more time before I get to the page. So you should remove it. You should change it so that the main table's width changes with the browser window. With a fixed width of 700px (as you have now) it will only look good on resolution between 800x600 and 1024x768 (might look good on 1280x1024 as well). On bigger resolutions the content will fill a very small space and leave too much white space left around. A width of maybe 70% would be similiar to 700px on 1024x768, and it would scale nicely on other resolutions. When the user clicks the header it should take him back to the main page (welcome.html). In the menu you have a misspelling of 'General'. There are also too many items in the menu right now imo.The fact that you have some seperators in there helps a lot, but you should combine some of the items. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that the human brain only can observe 4-5 items like that in a single glance, if there are more items you have to concentrate om them to 'see' all of them. You could for example move all the 'design' links in under a 'main design' link and then access the more specific design sections through a sub menu. The same can actually be done to most of your links. You should also change it, so that the menu link leading to the page that the user is currently on is disabled. It should also look somewhat different from the other links. The reason for disabling it is that it doesn't serve a purpose considering that the user is allready on the page. It should look different from the other links so that the user easily can see where he is on your page, as well as to emphasise that this link doesn't work. That's all for now. Keep up the good work :) _________________________ "There are 10 kinds of people; those who know binary, those who don't and those who start counting at zero"
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