OZONE Asylum
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I need input [again]. I have re-designed my site [again]
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Ok, some more comments... I don't know if you already know this, but the splash page link doesn't work. I'm talking about the large graphic that says "mob68". Right now it's an <a href="#"> dummy. But I think you're going to fix that, right? Most of the ugly borders from the earlier version are gone, but I have to say, I'm not sure you even need any. Just a bit of white space would negate the need for all the horizontal rules and borders. The yellow-on-gray text in the blog area is hard to read. There's no problem with contrast or anything, it's just the colors. The light gray on dark gray in the other sections are much easier on the eyes. I noted this on the earlier version, but the header graphic is a little over-compressed. I recognize the need to keep image sizes down, and it'd be fine if the header graphic was just a graphic, but as it is, there's a lot of text in there too, and the artifacts make them ugly and hard to read. Maybe isolate the text and make it a seperate GIF, or better yet, use HTML text instead of a graphic. Another little thing... I noticed you included an xml prolog on your page, the part that comes before the doctype: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> While the W3C recommends that you use this on strictly compliant XHTML pages, it's known to cause problems with certain browsers. Now, if I remember correctly, the xml prolog causes IE6 to be thrown into quirks mode, even if you have a doctype. That's certainly not what you want. Since it's not required, it's safest to simply omit it and specify the encoding with a <meta> tag. I don't see it used too often in real world sites, either. Well, that's it for now. And remember, keep that code clean! ;) [img]http://omnizero.home.comcast.net/asylum/sigs/002.gif[/img] [This message has been edited by ozphactor (edited 08-10-2003).]
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