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Ok, first off, let's get this out of the way: Most of this site is rather pretty. Now, far more important things than pretty need to be considered though! 1) Ack! It says enter here, but it's not a link?? Oh....it is a link....but the cursor isn't there - VERY bad. Don't take away the expected behavior of things like cursors. 2) Best viewed on 1280x1024 :eek: what the hell is in here?? Oh....it's a popup :( And it's.......far far smaller than 1280x1024....so, why do I need such a high resolution?? :confused: 3) Ok, what do I do now that I'm in here?? :confused: Ah, ok, menus. ~click~ err.....oh, ok, I get to pick a menu now....Oh, I get it...this is a food service business of...some sort. Ah! How do I get back??? Oh, there, that tiny little link in the inconspicous space over.....there -> Wow, that is partcularly small at this high 1280 resolution ;) Hmm, back to "Main"? Nope....doesn't do anything.....? :confused: Anyone who's default font size is larger than average will not be able to see the whole menus. Even at the default, the 'sandwhich' menu goes past the bottom of the pop-up. [This message has been edited by DL-44 (edited 08-13-2003).]
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