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That's very good to hear =) Here are some things to keep in mind as you go - things will naturally lay themselves out pretty logically if your code is clean and valid. I always recommend that people switch on up to [url=http://www.gurusnetwork.com/tutorials/html/xhtml/xhtml1.html]XHTML 1.0[/url], and there's no reason not to go strict. Transitional is raelly just another way of saying 'half-ass' IMO. It's not much of a change from HTML 4.0...just a little more strict on structure. Use the right tags for the right purposes. If you ahve a list of services, use a list to code it. If you have a header, use an <h[i]x[/i]> tag. Don't wrap things in <p>'s and <div>'s just for the sake of having the wrapping tag. It's kinda like putting your sandwhich in a baggy, then putting the baggy in a paper bag, then wrapping the paper bag in tinfoil.... <font> tags are terrbble things. In addition to being a deprecated tag, they are simply not efficient or structurally valid. Use your stylsheet to set the default styles for you headers, paragraphs, lists, etc. If you need special formatting on only some of them, create a class in your stylesheet, and specify the appropriate elements as being that class. If necessary (ie - if there is no structurally relevant tag for a particular purpose), you can use a simple <span class="special-class-for-this"> to wrap things in. And last but not least, strip as much code as posible out of your pages. The simpler and more logical you can make you code, the easier it will be to alter, update, and format it. [This message has been edited by DL-44 (edited 08-13-2003).]
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