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Javascript - the "SC/W3C modding sites" and the others below it with the cyan-ish background don't do anything for me - I assume they are supposed to. I also noticed a few instances of javascript in the code, but don't see on the page what is meant to do... As far as H1's and new lines - you can set them to "display:inline;" and they will not cause a line break =) And of course - keep in mind that the entire purpose of CSS is the seperation of style and content. The power of CSS is that it can control *any* element on your page. So, use it to set your page colors, fonts, and margins; use it to set your cellpadding and cellspaing, borders, etc. Make sure, any time you are going to add an attribute to an HTML tag that it is not something that should be specified in your style sheet instead! . Now, to get critical again - please don't tell people they need a specific resolution unless there's a *really* compelling reason that it can't be made more flexible. :( I hate having to click on an alert just so I can get into a site.... =)
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