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I have found another thing of the divs. Every element between it seemss to have inherited stuff (you may have noticed that my main div's class is "mother" ;P). In my start page, you may have noticed that the absolute position of the blocks and stuff is actually based onto "mother" divs position (i.e. 'block' div has an abs pos of 50px from left, but seeing that it is inside 'mother' it will be 50 px apart from mother's left edge, isntad of 50 apart from window left edge). Oz - Well, dont know about you, but to me, it renders very similar (probably in al larger res its noit aligned on the middle, but it did not really bothers me). As for the "best seen" text...well, i think i can now get rid of it, as it proably will not look buggy (i guess). Btw, i think i fixed the JS (seems that ineerHTML is an object property only for IE). Again same url. [url=http://www.freewebs.com/alevice/LinkList.html]http://www.freewebs.com/alevice/LinkList.html[/url] __________________________________ [img]http://invis.free.anonymizer.com/http://alevice.0catch.com/reinemargot1b.gif[/img] [url=http://forum.eracreations.net/index.php?act=ST&f=11&t=649&s=089c4a715494055fcc96ffd8e809e61d]Alevice's Media Library[/url]
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