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Personally, I would recommend using the XHTML 1.0 strict doctype, and coding accordingly. Things not working right under a standard doctype is not a matter of the doctype "not suiting your needs" - it is a matter of proper coding usually. It seems rather counter productive to write your own DTD simply because your page doesn't look right. I also am still at a loss as to what you mean by 'for styles'...from what I understand, altering a doctype would allow you to specify various different elements, or different attributes for them, but it won't really effect your use of positioning... As it is now, you've got some rather bizarre coding going on, and it would seem you are making things more complicated than they need to be. (one small example - you have a <span class="h1">. Just appply the styles you want to the H1 element, and use that - as it should be). You've also got tables where they're not needed, and lists that aren't in lists, etc..) It also seem that there is some Javascript trying to happen that doesn't work in mozilla. There is also an unhealthy mix of CSS and old stlye inline HTML formatting - that's never a good thing, and confuses browsers that do read a doctype... So, pick a doctype (make it strict, and your CSS will be better interpreted...), and focus on cleaning up the code so it works properly rather than trying to work around it. [This message has been edited by DL-44 (edited 08-19-2003).]
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