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First of all add a background color to the web page. You don't have one specifed, so I get my default blueish tone and it doesn't look all that good. Second thing is that the page contains almost no information what so ever. All there is is the gallery and a mail link. If you want to catch any costumers it would probably help a lot if you added some information about yourself. The navigation shuld also be improved. Add a menu with links to each section (front page, hand drawn, scans etc) and keep it at all pages. Right now the 'View More' links are kind of hard to see with al the other graphics around. The pages also need something that makes them fit better together. The only thing common between them now is the style of the pictures. To create a feeling of consitency some parts of the page should stay there all the time. A menu is one thing, but the header image and the left-image would also be nice things to keep on all pages. The page title is way to long. It spans the whole browser window when I maximize it at 1024x768. The title should not be more than a few words so the users can easily glimps the page name from it. _________________________ "There are 10 kinds of people; those who know binary, those who don't and those who start counting at zero"
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