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Agggh!! I want to break something!!
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To be honest, there are a great deal of inherent flaws in the basic set up that would make it difficult to go line by line and point out flaws. Many of them have been point out up above, and a few more can be ascertained by nosing through the code I put up. Not that my code is "the right way" or anything like that, but it does have a bit of the structure and simplicity that I think is needed for this page. Like I said, looking at the page, it seemed nice and clean and simple, but the code has torrents of things that aren't needed. The number of tables seems a bit much, and the <p>'s and <span>'s that are stacked up along with them are very excessive. In particular you have a couple instances at the bottom where there is a set of nested spans, each with a different class, and those classes have conflicting font styles specified....and then there's not even anything in them! The style specs should definately be consolidated to one place, whether external or in the head is really up to you, but I find external to be much more convenient, and more conducive to a production environment. The way in which the link styles are specified is a bit troublesome. I wouldn't be surprised to find some occasional quirks resulting from that. If you look at the style sheet I put up, you'll notice a bit more organization in the way styles are set up. The pseudo classes should be specified in a particular order to work properly - a:link a:visited a:hover a:active (christ....I hope I remember that right ;) ) though I have found that specifying link/visited/active in one group, and then hover afterwards seems to work just fine. Now, once the included bit get pulled in, the code on that page is much oncreased, as are the instances of extraneously nested objects in odd configurations. Hopefully some of that made a little sense ;) Feel free to ask any questions you might have about my code, and why it is the way it is.
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