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In my opinion, liquid design is easier with CSS, simply because CSS has so many options and allows so much more control over the page. With tables and plain ol' HTML, it's either pixels or percentages, but CSS gives you things like ems and other cool stuff to play with. And by the way, all web pages were originally intended to be liquid, it's just that when the WWW took off, many print designers began exploring the new medium, but with an old mindset that they should be allowed total control over their documents. And they're also the ones tha came up with the idea of using tables for layout. They used tables because back then, there was no other choice that allowed them to visually "lay out" a page. Now there is: CSS. [img]http://omnizero.home.comcast.net/asylum/sigs/003.gif[/img] [This message has been edited by ozphactor (edited 09-05-2003).]
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