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[b]Right column[/b]: You have two options for this one. --First option: Rearrange your HTML so that the right column comes before the left one. Then apply "float: right" to it. --Second option: If the ordering of HTML is absolutely essential, and you must have the right column come after the left, you can use absolute positioning. The disadvantage to this is that if the user chooses to resize the text, the column may overlap other page elements. The following rules account for users who resize text [i]up[/i], but not those that resize [i]down[/i]: [code] .rightcolumn { position: absolute; top: 12em; left: 470px; } [/code] [b]Footer[/b]: Simply float the left footer to the left ("float: left;"), and the right one to the right ("float: right;"). [b]Other notes[/b]: I noticed that you're using the "class" selector on all your elements. This works, but if the element occurs only once on the page, you should be using the "id" selector. For example, since you're only going to have one right column on the page, it makes sense to replace <div class="rightcolumn"> with <div id="rightcolumn"> and then replace the css selector [.rightcolumn] with [#rightcolumn]. Take a look at the code behind other CSS sites, and you'll see that that's how most of us do it. [img]http://omnizero.home.comcast.net/asylum/sigs/003.gif[/img] [This message has been edited by ozphactor (edited 09-06-2003).]
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