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You said that you wanted your site to be compatible across all browsers. CSS will help you do that. Start by getting a [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/460]doctype[/url]. You already have [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/1038]encoding[/url], but I suppose that's the work of Dreamweaver, so you should still read up on it, just so you understand. The purpose of CSS is to seperate content from presentation. Since you seem to be interested in what advantages it presents, lemme just list stuff off the top of my head: - It makes your site easier to code. No tables. No font tags. No junk. - It makes sites easier to maintain, through the use of external stylesheets. Link the stylesheet to all of your pages, make one change in the sheet, and the whole site reflects the change, instantly. - It makes sites load faster, by removing presentational markup from your HTML, and moving it all to one external stylesheet. - It makes sites more accessible to everyone. CSS allows you to format your document so that it is viewable, no matter what platform or browser they are using, whether it's a computer monitor, a screen reader, a Palm Pilot or Pocket PC, or a printer. Basically, it's a very good thing, and it's something you should know about when you design a site. [quote]as for the intro page .. what about an auto refresh? ... [/quote] Negative. Just ditch it. Oh, and might I add, quoting yourself doesn't put you in a particular flattering light, if you know what I mean :p [quote]possibly a pop up window for each topic[/quote] Let me drill this into your head, while it's still soft ;) Repeat after me: no popups. About the visuals... I agree with Veneficuz about the graphics. The US flag seems so prominently features, almost as if it were a government site of something. I can't see how it relates with your photography, but if you must have it, make it less visible. The menu buttons are a little too big for my tastes, and once again, a rollover effect would be nice. Also, the button should not be active if it leads to the same page. For example, If I'm on the Portfolio page, I shouldn't be able to click on the Portfolio link, because it doesn't take me anywhere, right? So just make it an ordinary image and distinguish it from the others in some way. [img]http://omnizero.home.comcast.net/asylum/sigs/003.gif[/img]
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