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New layout "CSS-ized"
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Looks good, nice to see another loonie move towards the table free realm :) First thing I noticed that might need changing is the menu. Nothing big, just that the link leading to the current page should not be a link and it should be styled differently. There are meny god reasons for this, but you probably know about them allready so I won't repeat them. Another thing with the menu is the 'photo section'. The link looks like all the other menu links, but it is different in the regard that the photo-page changes the layout. As it is now I expcted only the content to change, so it would be better if it looked different in some way to give the user a warning that 'this is a special link'. Not really sure how to do that, but one solution might be to have the menu link lead to a normal page showing the x-newest photos. On this page you could provide a link to the complete photogallery. Another thing is that the page don't validate. The first problem is that the doctype isn't recognised. I think the doctype need to be in partially capital letters to be accepted. You should also specify the encoding. I would also advice you to use one of the XHTML (prefarably XHTML1.1 or XHTML1.0 Strict) to support the newest standards etc, but that might juts be me... Except from those two minor things the page looks great :) _________________________ "There are 10 kinds of people; those who know binary, those who don't and those who start counting at zero" - [url=http://www.golden-ratio.net]the Golden Ratio[/url] -
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