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New layout "CSS-ized"
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Looking pretty good. As Veneficuz said though, there's an issue wiuth the Doctype. This can cause a whole variety of problems. You also seem to be using an HTML doctype, but with an XHTML namespace. If you straighten that and the encoding out, you'll be in pretty good shape. I would also recommend going right to XHTML strict, as you are pretty much doing what's needed for that already. The only problem I encountered was with the background-image for the 'top' div is partially covered up by the photos on the top left at 800x600 (which is what I'm stuck on at work). Everything else seemd to be problem free. Viewing in Mozilla 1.3.x (it is different from firebird, so it's good to make sure it works in oth). {edit - you snuck some things in while I was typing.... Ok, ther errors - the 'border' attribute is no longer valid for the img tag. It should be specified in the CSS img { border:none; } The UL - you have two <ul> tags in a row. If the intention is to nest them, you need to do it like this - [code] <ul> <li> <ul> <li></li> </ul> </li> </ul> [/code] The li - you do need to close all <li>'s The others that follow are fallout from those issues which confuse the validator. Fix those couple things, and the other errors should go away. [This message has been edited by DL-44 (edited 09-26-2003).]
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