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This should go in Site Reviews, but I'll get this rolling anyways... [b]Doctype[/b] - This is pretty much standard fare. [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/460]Get it.[/url] [b]Encoding[/b] - You need this too. [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/1038]Get it.[/url] [b]Testing, testing, testing[/b] - Test your site in as many browsers as possible, but most importantly: IE6, Mozilla, and Opera. As it stands, a lot of things aren't showing up right in Mozilla. For example, when I mouse over the navigation links, I don't get the "hand" cursor, so the average user would be incredibly confused. Also, none of the hover effects are working. [b]Code[/b] - You're using a WYSIWYG editor, aren't you? [code] <div onmouseover="color(this,1)" onmouseout="color(this,2)" onclick='fetch("content","whyxml");adjust(this)' style="filter:alpha(opacity=40);position:relative;left:1;cursor:hand;padding:2;width:100%;border:0"> <span style="text-align:center;color:white;background-color:blue; border:white 1px solid;width:30;height:10"> >> </span> <b style="color:blue">User scenarious.</b> </div> <br/> [/code] The above code was repeated about 10 times throughout the page. And this: [code] <b>[<span style="cursor:hand;text-decoration:underline;font-weight:bold" onclick="treasurehunt()">Treasurehunt</span>]</b>.<br/> <b>[<span style="cursor:hand;text-decoration:underline;font-weight:bold" onclick="airbud2()">Airbud</span>]</b>.<br/> <b>[<span style="cursor:hand;text-decoration:underline;font-weight:bold" onclick="chess()">Chess</span>]</b>.<br/> <b>[<span style="cursor:hand;text-decoration:underline;font-weight:bold" onclick="airhockey()">Airhockey</span>]</b>.<br/> <b>[<span style="cursor:hand;text-decoration:underline;font-weight:bold" onclick="miocar()">Car</span>]</b>.<br/> <b>[<span style="cursor:hand;text-decoration:underline;font-weight:bold" onclick="spaceshuttle()">Spaceshuttle</span>]</b>.<br/> [/code] This is the kind of redundancy that drags down otherwise simple, fast sites, and the kind of redundancy visual editors are so adept at producing. Either learn to use visual editors in a less destructive manner, or hand-code everything. [b]Visual Design[/b] - There's not too much to comment on, but... The text is a little too small for my liking. It's generally accepted that 9px is the minimum threshold of legibility, so you may wanna up the sizing a bit. The header looks odd, the way it's chopped off at higher resolutions. If you had used a liquid layout that resizes to fit the screen, this would look a lot better. I don't want to nag you, but the main issue here is to clean up your code. There's just way too much junk markup in there. [img]http://omnizero.home.comcast.net/asylum/sigs/004.gif[/img] [This message has been edited by ozphactor (edited 10-06-2003).] [This message has been edited by ozphactor (edited 10-06-2003).]
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