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[quote]That's one link, (1) and it's to another site. You can get back using the back-button you know. I'm a little doubtful regarding your objectivity here..[/quote] No, I'm not talking about the link to the ther site. I am talking about when the list of links changes. Trust me, it happens. The user shouldn't have to use the bAck button to get back, a site should provide logical and orederly navigation. My objectivity? I have no possible basis on which to be biased....? :confused: [quote]I must be completely daft, but I can't for my life understand what you mean by that? - I have asked around and they all wonder the same..[/quote] Quite simple - exactly what I said. The content on each page (each visible div....) is hard to follow. It makes no sense. It's full of repetitive and uninformative phrases. After reading each section, I still have very little idea what it's all about, and feel it took far too long to get the info I *did* get... [quote]nfact, I never see anyone use it, and in some builds of Mozilla, it actually makes it crash. Especially if it's xhtml -strict, and I surf it offline. Aside of that, I can't for my life imagine when or how it would ever cause problems.[/quote] You never see anyone use it? Apparently you don't associate with Web Desingers then. Any competent web designer will have both a Doctype and the encoding specified for their web page. If it makes Mozilla crash, it is because you have coded things improperly, not because you added a doctype. The doctype is an extremely important part of a webpage that tells the browser exactly what it is looking at, and how to treat it. It is a vital part of cross-browser design. The lack of encoding will turn the page into gibberish for some people. [quote]Surely not.[/quote] Surely so =) The code is simply piled up in a bizarre fashion that increases you file size, increase the likelyhood that with the proper doctype you will have problems, and makes troubleshooting more difficult. [quote]Now I removed the doctype because both Mozilla and Opera flipped on me, and I dont trust them not to do that online, for others visiting the site.[/quote] With proper, standards compliant, coding, you won't have anything to worry about in that regard. =)
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