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Alevice, what about the words, "After effects" and "A Gallery" don't explain the kind of page you're looking at?... *shrug* seems perfectly clear to me. Anyways, I'm not a fan of that repeating background image, seems a little overstated have the word "after effects" repeat that many times and it comes off feeling more like cheezy gift wrapping than anything else. But maybe that's me. I like the navagation, the icons were more than enough for me. I don't see why you always have to spell things out for the user in text, the web would be horribly boring if everyone always did that, besides the alt/title text on those image links should be more than enough for most people to figure it out. I've seen a lot of comments in this fourm about "mystery meat" navagation lately and whilst many of those comments have been justified, many have not. Just because some high profile jock stap said to do it, doesn't mean you should. There are times when words are wasted and a simple image is enough, and I think this site demonstrates that quite well. Hell, 70% of road signs are just icons. Our prinary sense is out vision (well, motion in vision to be exact) and it's been proven that an image can convey meaning much quicker than text can, so why waste congative proceses re-affirming self explaning imagery with text? I am however a little miffed by the use of the up arrow. When viewing a full sized image the alt text for that icon reads "home" which is usually associated with the very front page of your site yet it only takes you back one level. I first thought the icon would take me one level back but upon seeing the alt text, I was confused. Perhaps seperate "back to gallery" and "back to index" icons would clear things up there. Additionally, I can't use my back button from the "random" link. Might want to fix that, and possibly add a random link to each page. If only because I think the simplicity of your site would actually make people want to be thrown into it and move about it from random points, at least, that's how I'd find it most entertaining. As for the fading / scrolling text, well, I like it. I'd like it a lot more if it wasn't for that repeating background though. ;). Nice job on the site and the content. You have a good eye for photography. I hope you'll update it often. =) [url=http://dracusis.deviantart.com/] [img]http://www.whatever.net.au/~cameron/files/images/ozone/ArtDecoSiggy.gif[/img] [/url] [This message has been edited by Dracusis (edited 10-20-2003).]
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