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Man, I take a break for a few months and now V is using words like "doodads." ;) V made some good comments, and judging by what I see (at least in IE6/Win), you've acted on some of his comments (especially in the menu area). Either that, or your site behaves differently in Firebird than it does in IE, and if that's the case you should definitely look into that. Don't have much to add here (since there really isn't all that much there yet), but I do have one issue: that little line that runs up and down the side of the site as you move the mouse. Personally, I find it a bit distracting (in fact, I would consider it a "doodad"). Perhaps it has something to do with radiology (I wouldn't know), but you have to ask yourself if it really needs to be in there. In other words, what does it do, outside of the "gee whiz factor"? I guess that's about it, really. The title looks a tad funny sitting out there in the middle like that, but I guess it works because of the black on the left. ___________________________ Suho: [url=http://www.liminality.org]www.liminality.org[/url]
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