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Thanks for the suggestions. I guess as a web designer I should have opera and mozilla, but I don't. Is that really nessary with IE have a 98% market saturation? Please provide some links to these browsers. As far as the line that follows the mouse... Let me start with the fact that I LOVE DHTML, I just wanted the viewer to say hey this isn't just plain old HTML. I haven't quite figured out how to incorporate DHTML into a real world situation. I mean, how can I make DHTML appropriate in the business world? Also it's hard to be creative when you audience is a bunch of doctors? Plus I'm a little rusty... :p Suggestions?!? Also are there any *advanced* DHTML tutorials? I have found some but I haven't really found a "set" of good tutorials... Anyway Vene thanks for the suggestion on VIM I DL'ed it and tried it for a little while... I didn't really care for it. So, I deicided to write my own. I'll be sure and publish it here when its complete. Anybody got an idea for a name?
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