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Thanks, some good feedback there and fairly speedy too :D First off " each page will fit in that small box [b]with out[/b] scrollbars I'd say, the guestbook with layout different." [replace 'with' with 'will'] I don't like those scrollbars much either and what I hate most about them is making them. I dont know why krets said that, ya see ... I have fuck all content, I'll never need more text than whats there. If I need more space, i.e links & guestbook section the main box area will stretch down and let users use their own scrollbars so to speak. I had a great idea for the guestbook section last night, but I've forgotten it, I'm sure I'll think it up again :P. In relation to the font, I will stick to a pixel font and have the text as images so I can do some dhtml easy with it sliced up. But I will definatly consider a different pixel font. I used silkscreen to write 'icklepix.com' at 200% and it looked good for some designs and I've just kinda kept to it, but I dont like how theres no lowercase letters. As for readability I dont think I have to worry too much as Im not going to have much text and I keep it spaced etc... In the text I might put small b&w images, it would be handy for that too. oh and the links and guestbook will use a normal font, verdana 12/11 most likely. Thanks for the link Suho, will read it. [i] ( its printing as I write ) [/i] Haven't thought about the code much, will probably use tables in divs and some css. I'll probably only code it for IE4+ and DOM, I hope to have a lot of animated bits, possibly including the spider, found that guy in my sink one morning, that colour and everything, it was a little duller, but only a little bit, will post photo of it if you spider fans want them, a nice big 1600x1200 for your desktops. The spider is fairly creepy I guess, but I don't think anyone is going to shit their pants over a web site :D .. again thanks for all the critiques [url=http://www.icklepix.com] [img]http://www.icklepix.com/forum/bunnyeyes.gif[/img] [/url]
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