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256b.com v3.beta
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Thank you pals. I'm also the author of the previous verions which I did ( scripts & "design" ) in a big rush from only the Ftp account. The former administatred could no longer handle the site so he gave me access to its guts while it was bloated like a 3 legged goat :( I enjoyed the site and its theme so I couldn't let it fall apart. [b]Slime:[/b] The navigation list have a padding-bottom to align its baseline with the middle of the logo. I'll try to figure a cleaner way for that. You're right, usually form fields have inset borders, so I conformed to the de facto standard and changed the [i]submit[/i] in a CSS rollover button stylized like the logo. [b]Rinswind 2th:[/b] Is the 'Post oneline' area any better ? The sides are brighter and emphasize the content gutter. Thank you for pointing that. I went for a dark color scheme 'coz I'm a nightly coder and the bright background hurts my eyes. [b]/!\[/b] I mainly work with FireBird and make use of the [i]:hover[/i] and [i]:focus[/i] pseudo classes thus some effects may not work in outdated browsers. Whatever, suggestions, comments and critiques are still welcome. Cheers, [b]Mathieu "POÏ" HENRI[/b] [This message has been edited by poi (edited 11-04-2003).]
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