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I made this portfolio site for a graphic designer, what do you think?
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[quote] On some monitors that text will most likely be invisible. [/quote] Like mine. *slaps crappy old monitor* It's not -too- bad, and I keep my gamma setting really high so I can see a lot of definition in the lower colour ranges (which I'm more prone to making errors with when working in Photoshop) that I can't see at all on a properly gamma corrected setup with this aging trinitron -- it's really bad during the day when I have a fair ammount of ambient light in my study. But other non-computer savvy people don't usually understand such things and will simple see it as a flaw in your design. Anyways, I don't understand why you went for the "Lined Paper" thing. I just can't see where it ties in with the rest of the design which I was really liking -- an interesting mix of bauhaus with somewhat kitch colours -- but the lined paper really killed if for me. Oh and the website name / domain confuses me as well, why the word 'pixel' when you have Print, Photography and well, next to no web stuff in there. The design of the site and the portfolio of work just doesn't seem reflect the name of the site to me. Appart from that it's not too shabby.
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