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I made this portfolio site for a graphic designer, what do you think?
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The web is not print. When it comes to colour and contrast, there's only so much control you can have when your work is going to be displayed on millions of different monitors that you have no control over. Web designers don't have the luxury that print designers do. If darker greys make the site too strong for your liking then perhaps you need to re-evaluate your design choices. The grey headings work well, but again with monitors, small size type will appear to blur if there isn't enough contrast. This happens more often with bright colours as monitors emits light as opposed to reflecting it so you'll automatically want a little more contrast. So, forget the idea of creating some ideal "balance" between low contrasting shades as those shades will look completely different for every user to your site, which should be quite obvious given that most people who have commented here have mentioned that the text is hard to read I might assume you have a lower gamma setting than most. Besides, I am a designer and I can't read the type. But Alevice is right, this site seems to be targeted towards business people, in which case they have no idea about such things and probably don't even know where the brightness and contrast controls are for their monitor. They'll see the site (of lack of) and simply pass it off as a bad design choice. As for the overall composition of the website, well, comparing it to a photograph is about as bad as assuming you have any kind of precise control over the colour and contrast you use. Monitor sizes and resolutions vary. Magazines and photographs do not. There is a fundamental difference here, and it's a difference you need to evaluate in your design. You can ignore it if you wish but it is often seen as a good design practice to structure a site to compensate for different screen sizes. Although I dont this this is as big an issue as the colours. You also need to rethink your link styles. The first time I viewed your site I thought it was just a "in development" shell without any real content in it. Only now upon closer inspection do I realise that there is content in it. This is because I just assumed the links in the bottom sections weren't links. They didn't look like links so why should I click em. If you want people to actually look at the content of the site then you'll need to make them look more like hyperlinks.
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