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Ok, this is just a quickie, since it's late and I am overdue for sleep. I did feel the need to point out a couple of things though. Unfortunately, the things that struck me right away were rather negative. I'll do this "stream of consciousness" stlye ala Suho... 1) what the hell is that blurry white and blue stuff, and why is it *so* freaking big?? 2) what the hell is that cheesy photo of that guy in the bad suit....?? 3) Why are these buttons so big?? 4) what's up with the little squares? 5) Uh.....why do I have a vertical and horiontal scrollbar inside this window and *on* this window at the same time???? No need whatsoever for the scrolling inside the page. Either make it small enough that the wondow won't scroll, or make the page "normal" so that if it exceeds the window size, I only get *one* set of scrollbars. I get dizzy with so many draggable controls for one space... 6) No doctype!! Cardinal sin. 7) No encoding!! Also a cardinal sin. 8) <font> tags? Nested tables? Iframes?? <center> tags?? In this day and age?? :eek: 9) whoa! hosting...is.....by someone else? Why am I sent to another sight when I click on your "hosting" button. It's the same as the rest of the buttons...shouldn't it be the same sight? :confused: (also some really bad grammar on that hosting sight...) 10) pricing seems rather sketchy. Can't quite explain why. ...anyway, those are the thoughts off the top of my head. Hope it helps, honestly.
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