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my new portfolio page (lil' IE problem)
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Goota be quick, in a bit of a rush this morning... I think the *liquid* aspect is dominating your design too much here. For starters, the "Latest Image" takes forever to load. Liquid it may be but if I don't actually resize the browser window I'd just assume your site was super slow. Secondly, white space. There just isn't any. This is where most liquid web page layouts fail dismally IMHO. You don't *have* to use every bit of screen space, in fact, I'd say it's bad to do so. It's good to have places where the eye can rest and I can't do that with your page. I'm instantly hit with pillar to post text and images -- my imediate reaction it so increase the browser size to get some space in there but no, the damn text follows me -- trapped. But then again, maybe that's just me. You can probably fix this using nice fat margins, but that might really hurt the minimum screen size of your design. Lastly, I'm not too fussed about the heading. Is that meant to be a reflection? If so then it isn't really working for me, a reflection would imply perspective and a flat plane which I'm not getting fomr the checked backgorund. In any event, both the heading background and the foreground don't seem to fit in with the site too well. If I remember your other sites correctly, I know you can do a lot better here. Sorry if that sounded harsh. I'm rushed and well, I just know you can do a better job in certain areas.
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