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This should not be a flash website. If this is meant to be your portfolio, a potential employer is likely to wander off thinking "why'd he use flash for that?? which isn't good. Besides, if you've got an "interactive" section showing websites, which isn't interactive at all, I would hope you'd at least be up top par with the latest web standards. If you not, stop whatever your doing and go lean them. The main reason why using flash is a bad thing for this site is that it completely neglects the medium of both the web and flash. You've created a static, low interactive website with a tool designed for heightened interactive web experiences. Any self respecting employer that's been in the web biz for their fair part will see just that. Other design issues: Unstructured navigation. It's good that you've split the site into three easily manageable sections, but the position of the links to each section change every time I navigate to a new area. How annoying would it be if MS Word removed the toolbar button you just clicked on (as there's no need to click it twice) shifting the location of all your other toolbar buttons every time you selected an option? If it's too difficult to "grey out" a link, just leave it there and active. 99% of users aren't so stupid that you need to force them to stop reloading the same page over and over again by disabling the link anyways. Load Times: I'm on 56k and all was fairly speedy. However, the lack of immediate feedback when I select a link that loads an image is a little off putting. Some kind of loading message/animation to provide feedback that my click did something and the requested content is now loading would be good. Although, if you do this site with (X)HTML (and I really hope you do), you shouldn't need to worry about that. =) [This message has been edited by Cameron (edited 12-17-2003).]
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