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You don't need a specific icon editor to make favicons, just make it in Photoshop, save it as a windows bitmap file and rename the file to filename.ico Although I must say, I'm confused about the HTML / Flash choice... IMHO, the Flash Vs HTML debate is a lot like sex; it's not the technology, it's the way you use it. Simply put, trying to use flash for a website that displays reams of text is likely to remind your users of their first time, which is never a pretty memory to dredge up. So, it'd be best to scrap the flash version unless you have a good reason for using it like an intuitive site structure that requires high levels of interactive scripting/animation, audio/video stuff, animated presentations etc etc... But that's not to say you won't find suitable uses for bits of flash within your HTML site, but a whole flash site would be a nightmare with such text heavy content unless you really knew what you were doing.
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