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WareMage, I found a fix for your opera bug. [code]#head { background: url("h.gif") no-repeat; width: 620px; height: 125px; margin: 20px auto 14px auto; } #head span{ display: none; } #page{ width: 620px; background: url("b.gif") repeat-y; margin:-14px auto 0 auto; padding:0; } [/code] I changed the bottom margin on the header to 14px, as that change doesn't get picked up in Opera and levels the playing field. Once you have that 14px space in all browsers, then you simply give the #page element a -14px top margin. All in all, I think the site does it's job. The size doesn't bother me because it fits the small amount of content. I never really cared too much for shaded borders, but that's more personal preference. :) Hope this helps. BTW, your CSS file is very clean and simple, nice work. EDIT: While I was fiddling, I noticed the site was not centered in IE5, just add a container div around everything with a text-align:center in the CSS and all is good. On second thought, you then have to add a text-align:left; to your content div so all your text is not centered. One other quirk, there are no styles in the table on the contact page in IE5. I guess it doesn't pick up the body text declarations. Ramasax [This message has been edited by Ramasax (edited 01-17-2004).]
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