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It is fine Except: the light floral background is overpowering the dark, rectangular written parts...It looks as if the darker text areas are holes in the floral fabric..The text should always be on an equal or lighter color background than the basic page background unless the text background is a very dark contrast with light text and then it only works on solids..the page "strobes" as the focus shifts from the dark rectangles of text to the light slits of background. The wavy pattern of the flowers intensifies the effect.. a shift in light value rather than different graphics or colors might be best..I like the graphics and the layout otherwise What I mean is..the text rectangles are too dark, the floral background is too light..change the values ..darken the floral background, lighten the text boxes, darken the text to the same color and value as the outlined flowers on the background..it should work very well if all the colors are the same color as they are now but different light/dark value..you have the colors inverted..the colors strobe.. [This message has been edited by skyetyger (edited 01-15-2004).]
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