OZONE Asylum
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Cprompt, I noticed that issue as well, but I figure it's a bug with firebird itself as in renders properly in Netscape 7 and Opera. Considering Firebird is still in it's beta testing stages I'd actually err against trying to fix it as it'll likely cause issues down the road. Seeing as many of the asylum users now use firebird this is something we should keep in mind. Just because it doesn't render right in FB doesn't mean the designer is at fault. Check it in the mainstream browsers like Netscape 7, IE and Opera. If it works fine in those browsers then chances are your looking at a FB specific bug, something you really should be prepared to encounter when using beta software. The last thing we want to be doing is recommending specific fixed to accommodate buggy software as who's to know what will happen once those bugs have been fixed. Will the site then render incorrectly in a bug-corrected version of the same software?... For this reason it's best not to use alpha/beta software to test your code. I know you can't grantee that any software will be bug free, but at least with a full release version you'll know that any of the relatively major bugs should have been picked up and resolved. [This message has been edited by Cameron (edited 01-28-2004).]
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