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Thanks, Boudga. I never thought about placing those buttons on the links page. That might not be a bad idea. I'll look into moving them, since I need to update the links page anyways. I try to keep things as simple as possible without having them look too plain. I can't stand sites where you have a huge navigation menu or you have to search for links, so I do my best to avoid that. [i]Insert a <title>Untitled Document</title> other than that...it's so overused by the GUI editor crowd...[/i] Not sure what you mean there. I thought all my pages had a title. Granted they are all the same title, I wasn't feeling too original when I was naming pages. Is there something additional I need to add to the header section in my code? Thanks for the kind words about my stipple project. I remember doing that back in college and I thought I was going to go nuts, but I love that piece. It's one of my favorites of all the work I've done (which reminds me again, I need to finish scanning in some other pieces). I've not done any traditional art in over 10 years though, need to get back into doing that. _____________________ [url=http://lahutton.50megs.com]le coeur du feu[/url]
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