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Hello again. Ok, I changed the fonts on my webpage to suit the needs of those unfortunate folks who don't have Garamond, and I went with Arial. I did this because after going to a bunch of sites the have short stories, news, or other documents to read, I noticed that they all seem to use Arial, so I figured that someone at one point or another must of decided that Arial was an easy font to read, and thus....all these places seem to use it. So I to now use it...for the sake of conformity. Also, I had to fix a bunch of stuff to make it look nice, so tell me what you think, if anything. Especially bad stuff...besides things about how tables suck, because I know that they do, its just that a lot of my stories (especially my poems) are set up so that they are stactic in nature. I don't really want the text jumping all around due to different window sizes and what-not, and since my page pretty much fits on the tiniest of monitors, I figured it was fine. Anyway...... [url=http://www34.brinkster.com/teamearth/teamEarth.html]teamEarth[/url]
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