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A few things : 1 : What is the purpose of the splash page? It's really short, almost too short to merit being off by itself like that. If you're going to have it, perhaps a redirect at the end to automatically go to your index page. 2 : The title bar on top doesn't match the rest of the color scheme of the site. It almost seems an afterthought to everything else. Your site name is hard to see/read as well. I had to look hard to find it in the lower left corner. Not sure if you can change the overall color scheme of the flash (it has the look of a template to me), but you might want to either go with the colors in the top section, or something besides grey gradients, blue and black. 3 : The overall impression I have is cramped. Granted, I run at a fairly high resolution (1280x1024), but there is a ton of blank black space around everything. The text boxes you have are very small and cramped as well, making them hard to read. I have to squint to see the italic text very well. _____________________ [url=http://lahutton.50megs.com]le coeur du feu[/url]
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