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On the front end side, take note of the main esa site front page. Simple, clean, pretty much feature devoid asside the odd flash animation and basic mouseover highlight. But it hits all the right buttons in terms of basic usability that your site is a little lacking in. The structure of the pages leaves a little to be desierd and there are lots of issues with things that look like "buttons" but only the text of the "button" is clickable. Fixing little things like that, which usually fall by the wayside when you're knee deep in server side code, will help the site 100 fold. The backend seems quite slick. Hopefully most of the usability issues with be rectified when you cross over to standards complient XHTML. That WYSIWYG HTML editor looks good, but does it generate well formed code? I'm actually working on a bunch of publishing tools myself at the moment for my personal site. I've been using PHP5, which has a fantastic new OOP model (little more like java, but not quite as good, and no namespace support like they promised :( but it's still good), it also has amazing XML support using libxml2. XSL(T) has completly changed the way I approach web design in a single week. It definatly puts a whole new spin on web publishing and content management. If you get the chance to step up to PHP5 for the next version I'd highly recommend it.
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