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I like the colors you've chosen. They aren't the most common ones, but they work nicely together. On the menu on the left side there are some artifacts around the logo. You should get those removed, they kind of remove the clean and finished feeling the rest of the page has. The menu is nicely done, but a couple of more padding to the right of the menu items might be worth considering. The hover effect might also look better if you kept the gradient from the background and only changed the color. As it is now you've got a gray gradient when it isn't hovered over, but the hover effect is a simple orange color. Give the orange the same gradient and I think it will look better. The orange hover effect should also extend all the way to the right edge of the menu. There is also a wierd little black dot in the bottom-right corner of the orange-hover area. The reason that one appears is that you've got a <br> tag inside the link, remove that one and all should be fine. I would also add some kind of extra effect to the menu item that leads to the current page. Have the text of that link in orange for example. That would make it easier for the user to see where he is on the page. Strictly speaking/typing that link shouldn't be a link either (since it doesn't take the user anywhere), but that is optional. When viewing the browser with FireFox (Opera is my default one) the menu items only span the text length and not the whole length of the menu. You should do so that the link is affected over the whole menu width. There are a couple of other display bugs in FireFox as well that you should look at. At the moment there is a bit too much white space on the front page, but once you get more content there it might help. The front page should also have some kind of information about what kind of company this is. Just a couple of lines and a link to the About section would do. When viewing the About section the sub-title says "Browse Products by: Product Category: Health & Safety Products". I think it should say something like 'About HSPC' instead. I also noticed that you've used some kind of iframe to show the content. Why? I would have thought adding the content as simple content in the main page would have been better. If you want to have the menu and header visible at all times you can just add 'position: fixed' to their style declaration. At least extend the iframe to the bottom of the browser window. But I've never really liked iframes, so I might be a bit biased... When viewing the products you should add some more padding between the elements, they look kind of cramped now. The description text should also be link to the product page. The product page [b]should not[/b] be a pop-up. I've got pop-ups disabled as default and if I wasn't reveiewing the page now, I would have exited the page once I realised you where using pop-ups. I doubt I'm the only one who would react like that. Instead you should open the product page inside the iframe that you're already using and supply a 'back to index' button on the product page. I'm not that found of the design of the product page. I would prefere a simpler display of it without the fancy borders etc. The reason I open the page is to see the product, not to be distracted by things like that. So stick with simple orange/black borders, and if you arrange the content correctly you might not even need that. [edit] Almost forgot the most important part. Add a Doctype! Without it you never know how the browsers will render your page. Along with the Doctype you should also add an encoding definition so you're sure that the content will be rendered correctly. You should also look into CSS and table less design. There are a lot of good reason to make the switch. You've probably heard them allready, so I wont' repeat them here. If not you'll find a lot of articles about it through google. _________________________ "There are 10 kinds of people; those who know binary, those who don't and those who start counting at zero" - [url=http://www.golden-ratio.net]the Golden Ratio[/url] - [This message has been edited by Veneficuz (edited 02-23-2004).]
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