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Inition Design review
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The drawings show some promise - I'd like to see more. The graphic elements on the site, in and of themselves, are alright. Not my kinda style, and perhaps a bit overdone on the web, but alright. The problem is that they seem just kind of slapped on top of one another with no sense of order, visual heirarhcy, no defined space to exist in....they're all just kinda "there". To add to this disconnected sense, there is no space defined for the content. It just kind of floats in the middle, and there is nothing to draw your eye any which way. There is the issue of navigation - never remove your top level links. If you're going to have a sub menu in each section, you need to find a way to incorporate it in addition to the main menu rather than in place of the main menu. Overall, it just begs for more structure. Give the graphics a reason to be where they are, and give the content a place to be. Introduce more variation in your text with headers that are large/different color than the regular text. hope that helps a little...
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