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Erm, haven't done this in a while, but... Splash Page - All splash pages annoy me, but yours seems particularly silly. Do your users really need a breakdown of which browsers are supported, which versions of those browsers, and which ones have problems with your site? I tested the site in IE6, Firefox 0.8, and Opera 7, and they all rendered the site reasonably well, with no serious (ie. content-destroying) bugs. Also, the splash page image takes forever to load, even on broadband. My advice: ditch the splash page entirely. Usability - The entire site is contained within a frameset, so that the URL stays the same, no matter where you go on the site. Whether this is for aesthetics or something else, it makes it impossible to link directly to a page within your site. And the user has to click through the splash page again. :p Doctype - You have one on your page, yet the validator points out [url=http://validator.w3.org/check?verbose=1&uri=http%3A//www.angeltowns.com/members/contours/home.htm]149 errors[/url], most of them being undefined elements (<csaction>?) and undefined attributes. My guess is the doctype was automatically inserted by a WYSIWYG editor, and you didn't bother to edit any of the junk markup it outputted. Code - You have tables nested up to 6 deep in some parts. It seems like you're already using CSS to format the text on your page; why not take the extra step and learn CSS layout as well? It'll make your site a lot easier to work with and update, it'll loads faster for users, and will save bandwidth as well. Color Scheme - Grey and maroon... hmm. It's not a bad color scheme, but it seems like there's too much grey and not enough color. Feels sort of draining, just staring at all that grey. Banner - Seems kinda large to me, but giant header graphics seem to be the cool thing nowadays. Whatever. Also the left and right edges of the graphic don't align with the rest of the content below. Might wanna fix that. Visuals - The animation in the middle in pointless and distracting. It looks like a glowing window shade. Also, the random bits of bright orange text around the page don't look so good. I think you were trying to draw emphasis, but it just comes off as irritating. The content boxes look like they could use a bit more padding, especially between the header and content. Misc - What's up with the "Artifex (artist)" thing in every heading. I don't even wanna guess what language it's in, so why not just be up front, and give it to us in English? ;) Overall though, the site is visually appealing (I'm a sucker for the OS X look, so I'm somewhat biased). It just looks like it could use some more polish, some more color, and some less code. ;) [EDIT: Gosh, that was the most disorganized post I've made in a while.] [This message has been edited by ozphactor (edited 04-11-2004).]
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