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Not going to touch the visual or code, I don't have time for that right now, but... Saying this: [quote] Wallpaper Folder Besides websites I have also made a few wallpapers on various topics. These are free to download. [/quote] Followed by this: [quote] Please note that all visible content on this site is strictly under law of copyright. The wallpapers shown on the left although free are still copyright material. It would be much obliged if all content remain un-copied. [/quote] Is a complete contradiction. You can't tell people that can download (digitally copy) something then tell them they can't copy it. It makes no sence and it leaves yourself wide open and comes off rather unprofesional to boot. A really easy way to impliment copyright stuff online it to use a creative commons licence. Have a look at www.creativecommons.org for more information. The licences (what it the plural of licence?) avaliable are perhaps not going to be as restrivtive as you want, but it's actually better to keep the door closed but unlocked when it comes to copyright, then at least people who'd like to use your work will knock and ask instead of breaking in through the bathroom window so to speak.
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