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Doc's Glass Tutorial year 2004...
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Ack! I forgot all about the glass tutorial! Whoops! I know it doesn't work in Netscape 6.0, but it will, in about 30 minutesonce I get started. I started doing all of *my* browser sniffing right at the top of my files, and creating a series of variables that you put together to get the right syntax deep inside. If I did things the way I usually do it, I can sometime just add the four lines of code that say "I am Gecko" (NS6) FLAMEhorse, you said "You like new things"? Trust me on this one, your average developer *hates* change, hates it with a passion! Sure, I wanna do new cool things, but I don't want to learn and re-learn everything I know every couple of months, and I *certainly* don't want to hear that I've been wasting my time these last 6 years! Change is different, therefore it is to be feared, it is feared, therfore it must be DESTROYED! (Paraphrase from an old SNL sketch, anyone remember it? Cavemen?) Actually, if I can make this latest update to the newest DOM, which I only need to sweat with on my fancier pages, I should be good till 2004, methinks. I've already made the transition on a bunch of the pages, the really time consuming bit comes when I try and rescue some of my oldest cool things, they've needed a re-write for a while now, and I keep learning more, so the old code is UGLY, blech! I'll go update the glass tute now, it should work in a bit for all browsers. (Ooh! I made the last changes to the ozonicLabs.com pages, adding a new metaphor to how to build calls to my <div>'s, and now it even works in MSIE4.x, all the way up to NS6.x! The web isn't going to change, and all browsers will always suck.) Your pal, -doc- [url=http://www.ozones.com/] [img]http://www.ozoneasylum.com/examples/ozoneSIGc.gif[/img] [/url]
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