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Hi, guys. today I have been copying and figuring out how to make something like [url=http://bluerobot.com/web/layouts/layout2.html]Bluerobot.com[/url]. As you know I have been suffering from exact pixel layout problem. So I thought good idea to make exactly same site of them for just practice. A lot of guys has heard of IE5x bug against margin and padding staff, havenot you? I learned about this from [url=http://www.tantek.com/CSS/Examples/boxmodelhack.html]tanket.com[/url]. I jsut want to make sure if I am right. In the nut shell, problem is IE5.x doesn't add [b]border[/b] and [b]padding[/b]. When you set div like below, width [b]includes[/b] border and padding. What you will see on the screen using IE5.x will be [b]200px[/b] width. But this is against W3C recommendation. [quote] .hiro{ padding: 20px; border: solid 10px #000; width: 200px; } [/quote] On the contrary, other web browser does understand this point right such as Opera, IE5 Mac, and Gecko. So div like above will be understood differently and will be shown on the screen differently. Here is the solution that protects IE5/Win form its own bug. Please see this code below: [quote] .hiro{ padding: 20px; border: solid 10px #000; width: 260px; voice-family: "\"}\""; voice-family: inherit; width: 200px; } [/quote] Then following above, you put this to be nice to Opera5. [quote] body>.hiro{width: 200px;} [/quote] Here is my question. I can see the point why you put [b]body>.hiro{width: 200px;}[/b]. Because it allows other browsers to override width is 200px not 260, right? But I cannot see any point why you need this part: [quote] voice-family: "\"}\""; voice-family: inherit; width: 200px; [/quote] I think I don't need them. The reason is that it seems doing nothing just sitting there. I mean this will be fine enough. [quote] .hiro{ padding: 20px; border: solid 10px #000; width: 260px; } body>.hiro{width: 200px;} [/quote] Don't you reckon? Please tell me your thoughts and opinion. I suceed making blue robot and tanket though. Cheers. Hiroki Kozai [Emp edit: Making the links work since 2002] [This message has been edited by Hiroki (edited 04-29-2003).] [This message has been edited by Emperor (edited 04-29-2003).]
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