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OK, tan[b]tek[/b]'s hack takes advantage of a parsing bug in IE5.x--in other words, that browser will not acknowledge anything beyond the funky part (the two lines with "voice-family"). Other browsers, on the other hand, ignore the funky markup and continue on to the next line, which overrides the previous width. The "be nice to Opera" rule is in there because Opera 5 exhibits the same parsing bug that IE5.x exhibits--but it gets the box model right (unlike IE5.x). In other words, if you [b]don't[/b] put that in there, Opera will ignore the fix and use the IE width--but it will be the wrong width. Is this starting to make sense now? Do you see why you need tantek's hack? The way you have your code, it will work in IE5.x and Opera, but it will not work in other browsers (notably, Netscape). I know what you're thinking--doesn't the Opera rule take care of the other browsers as well? Well, this is where things get fuzzy for me, but I've always assumed that that particular code only affects Opera. At least, that is my understanding of the situation. I must admit it is all very confusing, thanks to the browser manufacturers (once again). My advice to you is this: if the original code works (with tantek's hack), don't change it. Why bother running the risk of your design breaking in a browser that you may not have handy for testing? The people who came up with these solutions know what they're doing when it comes to CSS--trust them. I know that may not be a satisfactory answer (kind of like telling you "because I said so, tht's why"), but if my explanation above doesn't suffice, then that's the best I can do for you. Personally, I have given up on trying to make things pixel perfect and just decided to "go with the flow." But that's me. ;) [Edit: Stupid spelling...] [img]http://www.liminality.org/asylum/fortunes/fortune_cookie.php[/img] [url=http://www.liminality.org]www.liminality.org[/url]
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