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New to CSS - ?cross-browser compatibility?
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Slime is right about structure, and the importance of thinking of your page in terms of structure. It is like building a house--if you focus on the appearance of the house, you may end up with a fine-looking building. You may also end up with a mess on the inside because, for example, you didn't allow sufficient space for the corridor running the length of the house, or you forgot to include the bathroom. This metaphor should show that a) structure is very important and b) structure flows from function. So, in order to think in terms of structure, you first need to think of what your page does, and how each element on the page contributes to the page as a whole in terms of function. Once you know exactly what you want to do, the structure will become more evident. Also, do not worry that your artistic impulses will be shackled by the structure of the site. A typical impulse when first learning CSS is to feel that your artistic impulses and the structure of the site are at war with each other. This will continue until you become more familiar with CSS. Then you will realize that, rather than being shackled, your artistic impulses are being liberated. This is because pre-CSS integrated form and function, and the resulting sites were very rigid. With CSS/XHTML, however, your structure is separate from the visual presentation, thus allowing you much more artistic freedom once the structure is in place. Although it may not seem so at first, there really are no limits to what you can do artistically. You may want to take a look at the [url=http://www.mezzoblue.com/zengarden/]CSS Zen Garden[/url], not necessarily as a learning tool (at least not at first), but as an example of how CSS actually frees you to be more creative. Trust me, you will be blown away by the design freedom illustrated in the above site. At least I was. I know I may have repeated a lot of what Slime said above, but you did say you wanted various opinions, so there's mine. It does reflect my design philosophy, and you don't have to accept it all, but maybe it will help you in developing your own design philosophy. [img]http://www.liminality.org/asylum/fortunes/fortune_cookie.php[/img] [url=http://www.liminality.org]www.liminality.org[/url]
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