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Anyway, I noticed little sisters were quite difficult to zip, rar, tar, or even ftp, so I'll just take your words of gratitude instead. And Emperor, the latest version of that lib does interesting thing, even has an option to embed html <img> tags as pdf file pictures. Looks like a cool toy. I am also fooling around with gd, but the gd setup I have at wapod, seems uncomplete, badly installed, or badly configured. (freetype font path == outside my web, for instance). I wish I could use my own little java classes for such server tasks, they'd be much more flexible and faster, but at wapod, I got limits: having a server runtime environment installed would cost me 4 times the current price of the server... Anyway, just look at how easy it is to import font files on the fly from within a VM: atm, it only works with tt fonts, but... [url=http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/docs/guide/2d/new_features.html]http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/docs/guide/2d/new_features.html[/url] [code] File file = new File("Arial.ttf"); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); Font font = Font.createFont(Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, fis); [/code] The nicest aspect of this is that fonts only exist during VM execution, which, on a server, means: "until the server needs a reboot". =) So, basically, the machine time spent to load and make the font file available to java classes is only spent once. And unlike freetype shite, applying some quality antialiasing - or any filter using this technique is very, very easy, just write your text to a pixel buffer, and then, shrink, distort, tint, emboss, mess up the pixel buffer as needed. One could imagine a java class that is called using a simple php script, for instance, that passes parameters, like text/format (gif-png-jpeg-wbmp)/output path/file title, and ta-dam! On the specified output path, you'd get the resulting image files. Or better: a chron job could regularly call the class and refresh the images, given an input text. The input text could be recovered from a table in a mysql db. And you would have a fine tool to automate buttons and logos production using truetype and any filter you'd want. ... I should really, really get myself a java enabled web server... miss the bucks, and lack time to really dedicate myself to it, but it would be great.
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