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posting html inside a text box
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yes, that does make sense...i'll dig into it a little deeper. but, this ihtml crap has been giving me a hard time with everything. what my client is using is found here. [url=http://www.ihtml.com]http://www.ihtml.com[/url] it's the merchant ihtml shopping cart program. i've been running into to trouble alot of places...but seem to work through it, but i ahve to learn this god forsaken language. anyhow...what this email form does, or is supposed to be used for...is adding a regular text greeting (the text area) and you have the option to have it pull the new and/or special items from the database, list them, and add it to the mail. whenever html is sent through, it just shows the code or is completely messed up. so, this must mean, like you were saying, it's processed sever side, and does not allow the html to be processed. here's the form and surrounding code of the form page. <iCASE ALIAS="step" VALUE="3"> <TR BGCOLOR="#003366"> <TD COLSPAN="2" ALIGN="left"> <A HREF="#" onClick="window.open('help/email_emailmethod.html', 'MercHelpWin', 'status,resizable,width=600,height=400,left=100,top=100,scrollBars=1');return false"><IMG SRC="graphics/help.gif" ALIGN="right" VSPACE="2" HSPACE="2" HEIGHT="15" WIDTH="15" BORDER="0"></A> <FONT FACE="verdana,tahoma,arial" COLOR="#ffffff" SIZE="-1"><B> E-Mail Method - :g_stitle</B></FONT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="2"><FONT FACE="verdana,tahoma,arial" SIZE="-2">Only customers who have said yes to receiving catalogs or special offers will be included in these mailings.</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="2"><IMG SRC="graphics/spacer.gif" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="5" BORDER="0"></TD> </TR> <FONT FACE="verdana,tahoma,arial" SIZE="-1"> <iEQ NAME="count" VALUE=`<iHTML DBNAME=":datasource" LOGIN=":loginname" SQL="SELECT count(id) FROM customers WHERE maillist=1 AND (email <> '') AND storeid=:storeid" OUTPUT=":1" NOOUTPUT="0">` EVAL="true"> <iIF COND=":count" ALIAS="IsCustomers"> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="2"><FONT FACE="verdana,tahoma,arial" COLOR="#003366" SIZE="-1">There will be :count customers receiving this E-Mail.</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="2"><IMG SRC="graphics/spacer.gif" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="5" BORDER="0"></TD> </TR> <FORM ACTION="email.ihtml" METHOD="post"> <TR> <TD ALIGN="left" VALIGN="middle"><A HREF="#" onMouseOver="togglePopUpHelp(true, 107, event);return false" onMouseOut="togglePopUpHelp(false, 107, event);return false"><FONT FACE="verdana,tahoma,arial" COLOR="#003366" SIZE="-1"><B>Subject:</B></FONT></A></TD> <TD ALIGN="left" VALIGN="middle"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="subject" SIZE="37" MAXLENGTH="255"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top"><A HREF="#" onMouseOver="togglePopUpHelp(true, 108, event);return false" onMouseOut="togglePopUpHelp(false, 108, event);return false"><FONT FACE="verdana,tahoma,arial" COLOR="#003366" SIZE="-1"><B>Beginning:</B></FONT></A></TD> <TD ALIGN="left" VALIGN="middle"><TEXTAREA NAME="Start" COLS="33" ROWS="7" WRAP="virtual"><iHTML DBNAME=":datasource" LOGIN=":loginname" SQL="SELECT body FROM messages WHERE title='PROMOTESTART' AND storeid=:storeid" OUTPUT=":1"></TEXTAREA></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN="left" VALIGN="middle"><A HREF="#" onMouseOver="togglePopUpHelp(true, 109, event);return false" onMouseOut="togglePopUpHelp(false, 109, event);return false"><FONT FACE="verdana,tahoma,arial" COLOR="#003366" SIZE="-1"><B>Specials:</B></FONT></A></TD> <TD ALIGN="left" VALIGN="middle"><FONT FACE="verdana,tahoma,arial" COLOR="#003366" SIZE="-1"><B><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="specials" VALUE="true" CHECKED> Yes <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="specials" VALUE="false"> No</B></FONT></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN="left" VALIGN="middle"><A HREF="#" onMouseOver="togglePopUpHelp(true, 110, event);return false" onMouseOut="togglePopUpHelp(false, 110, event);return false"><FONT FACE="verdana,tahoma,arial" COLOR="#003366" SIZE="-1"><B>New Products:</B></FONT></A></TD> <TD ALIGN="left" VALIGN="middle"><FONT FACE="verdana,tahoma,arial" COLOR="#003366" SIZE="-1"><B><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="new" VALUE="true" CHECKED> Yes <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="new" VALUE="false"> No</B></FONT></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN="left" VALIGN="middle"><A HREF="#" onMouseOver="togglePopUpHelp(true, 111, event);return false" onMouseOut="togglePopUpHelp(false, 111, event);return false"><FONT FACE="verdana,tahoma,arial" COLOR="#003366" SIZE="-1"><B>Test Message:</B></FONT></A></TD> <TD ALIGN="left" VALIGN="middle"><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="TestOnly" VALUE="true" CHECKED><FONT FACE="verdana,tahoma,arial" COLOR="#003366" SIZE="-1"><B> Test Only</B></FONT><BR><FONT FACE="verdana,tahoma,arial" COLOR="#003366" SIZE="-2">(Sends a copy of the message to you <B>only</B> )</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top"><A HREF="#" onMouseOver="togglePopUpHelp(true, 112, event);return false" onMouseOut="togglePopUpHelp(false, 112, event);return false"><FONT FACE="verdana,tahoma,arial" COLOR="#003366" SIZE="-1"><B>Ending:</B></FONT></A></TD> <TD ALIGN="left" VALIGN="middle"><TEXTAREA NAME="end" COLS="33" ROWS="7" WRAP="virtual"><iHTML DBNAME=":datasource" LOGIN=":loginname" SQL="SELECT body FROM messages WHERE title='PROMOTEEND' AND storeid=:storeid" OUTPUT=":1"></TEXTAREA></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="2"><IMG SRC="graphics/spacer.gif" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="5" BORDER="0"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" COLSPAN="2"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="step" VALUE="4"> <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="sumbit" VALUE="Save & Send"> <INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="Reset Form"> </TD> </TR> </FORM> <iELSE ALIAS="IsCustomers"> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="2"><FONT FACE="verdana,tahoma,arial" COLOR="#003366" SIZE="-1">There are no customers wishing to receive an E-Mail about specials or new products.</FONT></TD> </TR> </iIF ALIAS="IsCustomers"> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="2"><IMG SRC="graphics/spacer.gif" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="5" BORDER="0"></TD> </TR> </iCASE ALIAS="step"> i'm not sure where to go to adjust what it processes. thanks for the reply!!!
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