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[quote]1. Check to see if you can't keep the XML structure as flat as possible - this makes your life far easier at both ends and should make things go faster.[/quote] I was not sure what you meant by that. I've e-mailed you and am awaiting code for reference. Thanks for your help Emps. [edit]using php.net as a reference is becoming ever more confusing. I'm not a big php programmer.. but this is my idea! I've got the mysql request for the table (which is resorted not by ID). So does that mean that $myrow, which I've set to equal the database stuffs, can be called as an array? calling $myrow[name] brings up the "name" element from one entry. The while loop only works on one entry at a time. Similarly, using $myrow[1] would call up the second element, or "name" again from the same entry. In order to check to see if my next entry goes up or down I need to be able to check the next entry in the table. I've done this sort of loop-around stuff in flash before and it just involved one of two things 1. moving the checkpoint up to the begining, or otherwise "shifting" the code so that at the end of the function i set a variable to $new and at the begining do a [b]old = new; new = thisEntry;[/b] and go from there. 2. I make my if statement using an array like so if(thearray[i].length == thearray[i +1].length) #2 has been on my mind for a few days now. But it brings back that original problem. Can I access that variable as an array to check the next entry, or if that doesn't work can i just make a while loop at the begining that dumps all of the information in to a tangible array like so [code]while($myrow = mysql..... SORT by level ASC){ $myrow = $new array[i]; $i++; }[/code] [/edit] [url=http://www.osysi.net] [img]http://www.osysi.net/files/sigs/asylum_flow.gif[/img] [/url] Shine and shine. :: [Cell=[url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/FaqWiki/shownode.php?id=992&sortby=rating]992[/url]] :: [[url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/Forum11/HTML/000532.html]See my team's 30 second animation[/url]] [This message has been edited by Bmud (edited 08-27-2003).]
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