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Netscape not reading files on host right - HELP!!!
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Hey everyone -- I'm working on a freelance project for friends who own a local printshop, who were commissioned by a law firm here in Columbus to redesign their site. Netscape is driving me NUTS! On my computer at home, the site files in question display great both in Netscape & Internet Explorer. They look exactly the same, more or less. But when I upload these same files in the same folders to the client's webhost, Netscape glitches out -- it's refusing to read the stylesheet for the body of the inline frame. It's the exact same coded files that it read just fine on my computer -- the only difference is that one copy of the folder is on my computer and the other copy is loaded up on the webhost. I've gone over and over the HTML & CSS & stylesheet coding, and cannot find a reason for Netscape to be doing this. The pages display just fine with IE, both on Windows & Mac, both on my system and on the webhost; it's Netscape (Windows & Mac) that's refusing to display the page right on the host side, and I can't figure out why. The URL is [url=http://www.cpmlaw.com/test/cpmgray/index.html]http://www.cpmlaw.com/test/cpmgray/index.html[/url] The file that should load into the inline frame is cpmgray/about_firm.html, which I ran through the HTML validator, and it passed just fine. The stylesheet is cpmgray/cpmmain.css -- the validator keeps reporting " You have no color with your background-color : body" (and the same error with my a:link, a:visited, and a:hover lines), and damned if I can figure out why. The validator gives no clues and according to the CSS & HTML books I have, the colors I'm using are web-safe and my code is valid CSS. Can ANYONE help with this?? Please?? While I still have hair left? Chris (Moth's wife -- and Moth's tired of his wife spending more time with Netscape than with him :)) [Emp edit: Fixing link] [This message has been edited by Emperor (edited 08-30-2003).]
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