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Netscape not reading files on host right - HELP!!!
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Thanks for the responses, folks. I have removed the page sizer -- it was used so there wouldn't be a lot of blank space at the bottom & right margins for visitors using 1024x768 res. When I tried the pages on 800x600, the only semi-important part of the page cut off was the bottom bar -- trying to design for both common resolutions and keep the site legible has been another headache, especially since the Law Firm In Question is insisting on a specific unusual font that doesn't crossover well. But that's another story. Slime, sorry for the confusion. It's Netscape 7.0 for Mac OS X and 7.0 for OS 9; the error happens in both browser versions. IE for Windows & Mac (versions 5.5/5.2.3 display the frame correctly, as does Mac's Opera-based Safari. I downloaded Mozilla 1.4, and got the same display problem -- though Mozilla turned the background lime green? Ozphactor -- I'm still new to CSS, so please forgive the use of inline styles! When I first ran the pages through the validator, it griped about the lack of a character set, and of the valid options presented, us-ascii was the only one recognizable that I thought would be safe. :) I'll get the inlines corrected after I figure out this Netscape crap. (a quick edit -- you're onto something, I think. As a test, I loaded the files onto my own personal webhost space [url=http://holyshrineofjourney.com/cpmtest/index.html]http://holyshrineofjourney.com/cpmtest/index.html[/url] and netscape 7.0 AND mozilla display them just fine. Next stop's the lawyer's server support...) [This message has been edited by ZenFrodo (edited 08-30-2003).]
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