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Table formatting still alive???
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[b]Rattus:[/b] Welcome in the Asylum. [quote]If I can do something with tables in a few lines that would take half a page in CSS to ensure it renders properly, which is the "cleaner" solution? Unfortunately, the old one[/quote]I fear that you did not understood the concept and advantages of separation the content and the presentation layers. Separating these layers is "cleaner", and safer. If you go for a bloated table based layout, the file size of ALL your pages will be way bigger. It will increase your bandwidth fees, the search engines will have a hard time picking the relevant infos to rank your site... On the other hand, if you go for XHTML+CSS, your pages will be slim and ONLY the CSS file will be big ( but it'll be cached quickly ). And all the cons of the table based layout vanishes. Oh, and since you talk about accessibility. With XHTML+CSS, you no longer have to maintain several versions of the same site. All you have to do is to provide the appropriate stylesheet to the user. Disabled people, blinds and visually impared, etc... will be able to access your site smoothly and with NO added costs for you and the client. To make sure your site is accessible, validates it with [url=http://bobby.watchfire.com/bobby/html/en/index.jsp]Bobby[/url] or [url=http://www.cynthiasays.com/]Cynthia[/url], and try to browse it with [url=http://lynx.browser.org/]Lynx[/url]. If all this works, you're done, and can be proud of yourself for doing some good job. ;) I know, in my previous posts I sounded a bit less confident with CSS, but since then I've practiced and now I don't even know how I could have made some web site with some zillions of TABLEs. [quote]Blame the browser authors, I suppose.[/quote]Yes, and the web design tool makers and web developers/designer for not promoting the standards early and therefore not encouraging the browser authors to go straight in the wall. [url=http://www.p01.org/][sigrotate][img]http://poi.ribbon.free.fr/files/p01_ozoneasylum_sig_love.gif[/img]|[img]http://poi.ribbon.free.fr/files/p01_ozoneasylum_sig_love_small.gif[/img]|[img]http://poi.ribbon.free.fr/files/p01_ozoneasylum_sig_charly.gif[/img][/sigrotate][/url] [small](Edited by [internallink=2185]poi[/internallink] on 01-17-2005 16:03)[/small]
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