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Table formatting still alive???
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Just butting in whitout a good reading. There is three big problems with table designs: 1) When nested it's very hard to check when something goes wrong. 2) Loading Times: A table only loads when it has loaded all his contents, if you have nested tables the outer tables has to wait until the inner tables are loaded. Which on their turn have to wait until they have loaded all the content. 3) Scalability: table designs are pretty damn good when used for an fixed size design but could be really horrorfic when it comes to fluid or liquid designs. Just try scaling an table site down and you know what i mean. You might say that with today's high-speed dsl lines, 3GHz processors, and tons of RAM memory loading times are less importand. Tru.. You could say that with todays 17" and bigger scalabilty is less important too. Also true. But in todays world my father in law gets an little PDA from his boss which, when connected by bluetooth with his cellphone, gives him acces to the whole internet. Now suddenly loading times and scalability are yet important again. I tried designing a long time for an specific browser, on an specific platform. I was not very good at it and i migh not ever be. So instead of putting together the most detailistic designs, and worry about little freaking (fixed) details, i try to get the info in the most comfortable way on the users screen. Whitout line breaks, or info that falls off the screen or margins too close to the border of the screen. Without headings that take up all the screen space but which can recognized as headings , whitout horizontal scrolling. Etc. Realy i don't want to care about the the users browser, or the system it runs on. Testing on multilpe browser should not be needed any more. Which browser is used should not matter any more getting the message across should. All this is just not possible with table layouts. Not for me whitout breaking my head. It must be said that tables do have their use and some people are quite handy with them. Hybrid versions with tables for layout and css for styling are maybe a good idea for the time being and could work very well. In the long run however it could mean only more cleaning up when you have to renew a site. Yech. ------------------------------ Support [url=http://www.justice4pat.com/]Justice for Pat Richard[/url]
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